I am a musician from the south of the UK, I like making music and playing with my synths. I've made game music and electronic music professionally in the past. I aim to keep on designing delightful and complex music for many years to come.

Age 4, Male

wood turner

Angmering high school

Brighton, UK

Joined on 10/26/15

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A new song and new equipment (iCon Soundcard)

Posted by maxxpump - March 4th, 2018

Hello everyone, how is everyone doing and I hope this message ultimatley convers my near total, satisfaction with my new Soundcard and recording interface, even though its been a complete andf utter pain in tha ass to get working effectively.

So about three and a half weeks ago I turned 30 and my partner bought me a new 2nd hand Sound-card/Interface, which is capable of recording upto 176Khz at 24B Bit, which my Presonus Sound-card I owned previously could only muster about 48Khz at 16 Bit and it did that badly , so I ened up reocrding and running all my projects in 44.1Khz @16 Bit. This soundcard also effectively has six inputs and six outputs (four physical ins and outs), it has two XLR/1/4" TRS connections with "A" class Phantom 48v microphone pre-amps, it has seven faders, ttansport controls, jogg wheel and caapablity to select and mix upto 12 channels, it can sipport upto 4 monitors (speakers) and subwoofer. it has direct monitoring foldback for channles 1-2 and 3-4, it USB3.0 and its got two headphone ports with volume controls on both of the sides.

Unfortuneately its been a bit of a pain, as my Intel i5 3.Ghz 4th Gen (quad core), 16BGB DDR3 1866Mhz and 256GB SSD PCIe card, is a bit too slow for this card and it took me quite a while to configure it in such a way it could run more than three VSTi's at the same time without either completely locking the computer up, or crashing my computer. It was a fairly simple thing to actually sort out but it ened up with having to sacrifice som eof the ultra low latency that this interface, which was bit annoying as I purhased said card with the knowlage that it could do down to 2ms recording latency and 3ms playback latency. The fix ended up with njust over 8ms and 11ms of latency respectively. 

So after a session with a few VST's, compltely custom soundsets and my MIDI/USB keyboard, I took it upon myself to create something which may have been able to show of this new bit of kit and also as a bit of comparision and see what people thought. So far the song I produced has done fairly well on a few released platfforms, namely Soundcloud, Newgorunds and YouTube. But as per usual I haven't had a ny comments to tell me if it sounds at all cleaner, or if people even liked what ended up being a seven and half hour project (mainly mixing and tweaking was required to get this track sounding how I wanted it and this time went to great lengths to make the soundsets in such away that all the synthesis sits in the song correctly. I also did a bit of light mastering and it seems to have been able to play back on quite  afew of my test systems with out distorting at all and sound farily good on my mobile comparing to similar tracks I've made in the past of simplar complexity. I had also for quite a while (actually about two years wanting to make a follow up to my track "March of the Sequentials", I never specifically set out to purposely make the second part to this song, but this time made it by happy accident and thought it fits the name in this case absoultely perfectly! I mainly tried to use the analogue lab collection of VST's and with the exception of Xpand! and of course the usage of custom voicing in Vanguard, for thinkgs like bass and SFX. 

I started by listening to Oxugene 8 by Jean-Michel Jarre, and used a basic variation of his chord sequence and built my own leads and arpeggiation, riffs, raffs and what not to filll in the gaps. The result doesn't sound to too bad and I personally think I did fairly well with this song. I did use the same chrod sequence throughout the whole sequence which I know some people will say is repedative, but following the standard mapped out by nearly every Dance musican in the past, I changed the sequnce and patterns. leads riffs and hooks every eight bars and it has tons of variation in the piece.    

The majpr sound which I start off with right at the beginning of the track is Solian V and a custom arpeggio which I made using sounds from Vanguard. Strings were provided by Synclavier, the main lead was Serum and that was again created using the initial patch which loads up with serum and I added just more layers and played around with the source sttings and the ADSR, as well as portamento and glide settings. I also used a thunder clap/rain SFX which was from HalionOne SE, Serum was used for build up SFX before the drop sections (which was not really loud enough in the final mix). Xpand was used for a acoustic style Piano and as a organ sound as well. The Solina V pad was loop returned through a Sovtek Phaser called a "Small stone phaser" from around the early 70's. 

If you want to listen to my new piece"March of the Sequentials MK2" it can be found here: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/793309 if you like this track please.can you tell me either here or on the track, what you loike about it, if I shoyld further develop the song, or if I should carry on this path and possibly make a album which will be based off a very simlar style (This will again be a free album, exclusive to Newgrounds and will probably be about six or seven tracks in a JMJ style. I will also use only the analogue VST's and will possibly spend at leasta  substantial amount of time on each track like this one. 

If anyone has any ideas, of how I could proceed with this musical lark please let me know, just tell me what music of mine you ppossibly like, what sounds you lioke and a view to creative direction I could follow, it would be very appreciated, because without any constructive comment on any of my pieces for quite a while, its nearly like  I'm operating in  the dark here and its really ahrd fiuring out what people want to hear and what could make the next big piece of music.

I'm currently working on a few vocal Dance pieces, with all kinds of vocal effects, like autotune and vvocoders, I am also doing  acover of Chris Issak's Wicked game, Mad world by Gary Jules and Tears for Fears, I can't help falling in love with you. These when completed wiill be released on my YouTube channel, as Iknow I can't rekease any opf these covers on Newgroundsm, undee pain of death or something nasty like that happening to my accoundt, as I know it is just nopt allowed, which is a bit of a shame as my singing on Wicked Game has been described as really good, I've been practicing quite a lot and I think I am ready to share this style of singing with the worl, even though I know that my singing hasn't particually gone down too well in the past. Mainly as I haven't really practiced and done most of my vocals on the fly, following peopels pretty harsh comments in reagrds to my sionging, I have made even more of a ocncerted effortto make sure that it might go down better that trying to fly a leadf balloon, instead of a parachute when jumping out of a plane! 

Anyway I hop eevryone is well and this message, even though quite long, finds everyone well. I also want to take this time to thank all my fans on Newgrounds and the support that somepeople have shown me in the past couple of years.

Anyway enough of me waffling and I'll let everyone get on with there finite time on thsi planet...


Comments ain't a thing here.