So as the title sudgests Im playing around with a lot more Dubstep type tracks today. Fireballs made a huge remix of my Dubstep and D&B tracks, that im not 100% sure when he's goign to release it...????
I'v just finsihed looking through nearly four EDM sample packs incuding Trance, D&B and Dubstep, interesting stuff in there and may spark a load more heavier EDM tracks in the next week at least, I've got the mamoth task of uploading most of the loops to my sampler, so thats going to take up most of the day on tomorrow, but it has to be done. I just ordered a dance EFX package as well, hopeflly will be with me in the next few days.
I've also released a load of New Wave tracks which I made this morning and no that doesn't maean more vocals, but may spark a more upto date Newage/New Wave track....I'll see what happens. I made a trance track that kind of reminds me of Darude's track called "sandstorm", which was one of my favourite tracks of trance/dance back in the 90's, I'm not sure when thats going to be released either as I've got a backlog of about twenty tracks, I want to put up and with a limit of four tracks a day its going to take a while to shift them...
I'm currently trying to get Sylenth to work as it seems very unstable on my computer for some reason and if not I have wasted quite a bit of money, as you can't return software! I would like to get it to work as Avicii uses it to great effect and the sound sets are pretty awesome! I've got a package of extra patches coming for serum as well which again will boost my collection of Trance/Dance sounds, which I've got. I also currently need a new harddisk as I'm running out of space as these sample directories take up a massive amount of space and I don't like deleting stuff!
There is also a few mashups in the works at the moment which will be released as unreleased works an hopefully go down well!
Currently trying to hunt down a 8 bit VST synth which is good, so I can start doing more Chiptunes, retro game music and stuff like that. If you have a recommendation give us a shout as I'm a bit lost to be honest.
P.S: Fireball01e said he couldn't get on newgrounds for the next few days so I released his master Dubstep mix and here it is:
I've got a new Dubstep tune which should be out tomorrow called "Failure to Communicate" which is a hard EDM, Dubstep track, with my vocals, which came out really well...I hope it goes down well as it was a really techinal piece to get right and I think it sounds really good!
I released another Dubstep track that peope seem to really like called "Green Energy" which is here:
Also a trance track:
and a new New Wave/ New Age track called "The Runner", which is't my best New Wave track but ti comes pretty close:
I've got also a bass heavy track to release tomorrow called "Bass Drops", did really well on YouTube and soundcloud, hopefully I get a good reaction on here as well. Its D&B but its not D&B at the same time! I call it Bassstep, which is one of my fusion genres, and it soudns amazig on my cars subwoofer system. It also verges on EDM styles, its a puely instrumental track and Davis seemed to really like the track, as well as a few othe producer friends of mine. Its A class remix material.
I hope everyones having a nice day and this message finds you well!
P.S.S: Davis jus uploaded "Failure to Communicate" as he did do a load of work on it: here it is I hope you enjoy!
I thought your out put of tracks today have been really good and Fireballs remix of your latest works really good! Your New Wave track is nowhere as good as "Freedom", but that would be a tough track to beat as that track sounds truly like it belongs in the 80's.
I kind of wish you would stop doing as much Dubstep as personally I find the genre a bit c**p. Thanks for sending me "Failure to Communicate" its definitely a interesting track and your vocal/talking is very good! I hope to do a remix of it, but don't see much point releasing anything until my channel is "scouted", but I know I ca't until I release something. With your permission I would like to release "Failure to Communicate" as well as the other tracks you sent me last night!
I really like fireballs mix and hopefully he can chime in later to how he did it, as even tough I said I don't like Dubstep, its a really good overall mix and definity want to hear more of these kind of extended mixes coming from your channel as I think some of them with a little bit of work could work well in a bar or club (the right one of course!)
I hope your experimental works, which you were talking about last night come to fruition as they sound pretty interesting, may make you popular if you get them right (as I know you have it in you Stuar to make some mean Trane tunes). Actually talking about Trance when are you going to release that Trance tune which you sent a couple of nights ago, that one really reminded me of the 90's and truly believe that would go own pretty well. I do like yours and fireballs recent trace ix that kind of sounds like Sandstorm by Darude, its mean and a very lively song.
Ill phone paulie in a minute and see if I can get him to pull his finer out of his butt and come online and get a conversation going, namely over how he pulled off that remix and see what he's generally upto as I see he rarely talks to you on here, which I thought was a bit shitty, but again I know how busy he is with studio stuff and his DJ ing life (I wonder how that going went down that he was talking about the other week went down as he made it out that it was a big one, even by his standards!
Yeah I had a really good morning for it. Experimental stuff might be out next week, we'll have to see how things go. Thanks as always dude.