I'm currently working on a whole bunch of live material for new years eve parties which I am attending, If I get a slot is another matter all together, but I'm working on it slowly but surely. I have a load of gigs lined up for me for next year though, so I call next year the year "I make a name for myself!", hopefully my music goes down well and get to return to sites for gigs, otherwise ill keep adapting to suit venues needs.
I have a MPC coming for christmas, I borrowed one a few weeks ago and loved it, so expect more heavily sampled masterpieces coming out of me next year. I have Christmas on my side sorted out, just hoping my family is set...
I will be releasing my newyears mix for live use on newyears day! expect a twenty to thirty minute piece with completly new material, to come out on that day, but hopefully its liked as its been a few weeks in the making!
I hope everyone has a fabulous Christmas and a Happy Newyear and hopefully a cracking 2017!
2016 for me has been turd and hope next year is better!
Lots of new projects to look forward to coming out of me in the next year and beyond!
Including guest spots and colllaborations! from both local and international artists and remember im always open to collabs and suddestions from local or abroad! so get your comments in for how you want this channel to go...
Your Stuart! (Transqaunta and Exedist)