Yesterday after releasing a bunch of dance oriented tunes, I had a email; which follows: Dear Max, if you would be so kind as to reveal the package details of the sample packs which you used on your new song vapour, and what gives you the right to use these samples in a production grade piece. yours (name omitted).
Basically on most of my songs where I use samples I will say if any package was used, where the samples came from and/or how I obtained my samples.
95% of the time I hear a sample on the TV, Radio or movie, i sample it and then run it into cubase. I then try to recreate the sample by synthesis or going out to other studios, music shops, on the street, etc... with my Tascam DR-22, when I get home I either run the new sample into my Yamaha A3K or either the Akai S4K or the Akai S6K. Once its in the sampler I chop it up, add effects to it and usually key map it. Then I record back to cubase, compare then store the sample for later use.
So as I said before I don't usually use "packages", anyway not on newgrounds without openly admitting the sample is not mine (that's where the other 5% comes from).
By recreating the samples from scratch it gives me artistic licence to do what ever I want with it and that is my right!