Well as you may or may not know from the song I released ealier that I have and have been diagnosed with having AS (Asbergers Syndrome), and one of my fasinations and repedative behavours is making and playing music. I make upwards (when I get free time) upto and beyond ten tracks a day, only a small amount make it to publication. I was diagnosed when I was seven years old and most probably was born with it. I had absoute hell through high school, through bullying and people picking on me because of my disablity. I didn't know if talking about this on newgrounds was a good idea, but since people are asking me more and more questions about me, I thought it was about time it was out in the open. The condition doesn't affect me to much these days apart from being clumbsy, coordination problems, speech imediment (hence I have problems singing), eye sight issues and I genrally think most of the time differently to the rest of the planet (apprently). If you have any questions feel free to ask, but with me saying this nothing has changed, im still the same person and the ship will carry on sailing!
I think its taken some balls to say that on NG as I've been around here the last decade and can tell you I've seen a few people rinsed and repeated for admitting that. There was someone on the forum the other day who came out and got some really nasty comments in his general direction.
I like the song, it sounds really good and sounds like it came from the heart.
Yeah I got rinsed alright, mainly through the mailing system and someone said something nasty to me on facebook this morning. I also lost a hand full of fans, I didn't know it was such a big deal to some people, but I guess some people don't like disabled people, I guess it's the same with people hating on LGBT people.
Some one commented on the song and thought the lyrics were a bit poo, singing out of tune and bad timing, which none of it is true, I guess it also got bad rating as for what the song stands for.