So me and the band met up had a few coffee's and started recording random jams, we were not trying to sound like anything, and my vocals a bit suspect in places, but I think the session work has poteiential to turn into something really good. I released two pieces from this session, one being a song called "Round the bend" which is me and Dan singing, roughly and apart from a few errors here and there, its not bad.
The second song is called "And now your gone" which is my favourite song of the day, which came out with orhestration sounding similar, to 1970's light rock bands, namely the Traveling Wilbury's and the guitar in places really reminds me of White Fang.
and my studio piece of this morning is a track called "by the way" which is a song last year for someone to do vocals on, they never got around to it, so I did it myself instead, I like the resulting song, its like the original track (which was never released on NG) but with added accordion and extra solo's.