So I've been releasing alot of draft works today, including what I did with the band this morning, a hike up the hill to Fireball01e's personal studio as he had a day off work, and also a personally made tune made here and there. There was only one favourite song from today's collection which there will be a studio recording of it made tomorrow, hopefully my vocals are up for it. My favourite, is a track called "And now your gone!" My other close favourite was a track called "Do you believe in me" which Fireball wrote and sequenced which he wrote with Jeff lynne in mind, and I think he pulled off a really happy sounding song, much like the technicallity which was shown in the Wilbury's tracks.
Another track for me that came close was a track called "By the Way":, which has pretty techical composition and its a git to play on the piano, but I completly remade it live on keyboards @ about six o'clock this morning, where at that stage I was recording accordion work to put on the track. The vocals still need a little bit of work, but with practice which for the track recorded this morning was recorded on the fly! But it will apprectiate a proper studio recording at some in time in the near future!
I have recorded "Do You Love Me (Take Me Back), which I've released tonight as a EDM styled track, and has still has a lot of live playing on it and its sounding fairly good.
For all those well wishers which have sent me messages regarding "Chamberlain Vocal Remake", thankyou very much and I will get onto a more polished version as soon as possible, but it was quite a hard track to record, so will take a lot of preparation! But I will get it to sound like the likes of bands like Beirut which my accordion work aspires too. But I've still got quite a lot of studying to do before I can release such a track, thanks for your patience.
The next track I am in the process of re-writing is a track called "Alexi" which was made more of a soundtrack but I'm going to remake it as a pop/rock song with added vocals.