I am a musician from the south of the UK, I like making music and playing with my synths. I've made game music and electronic music professionally in the past. I aim to keep on designing delightful and complex music for many years to come.

Age 4, Male

wood turner

Angmering high school

Brighton, UK

Joined on 10/26/15

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maxxpump's News

Posted by maxxpump - April 15th, 2017

So I'm back to creating electronica and dance music, as my foray into industrial didn't fit what generally comes out of my soul. So the first song back is called "Callous" which is a Dance/Trance tune, which is still slightly rough around the edges, but its sounding really good. Update: I'm kinda writing this as a dialogue and this tune is being a bit of a **** to mix properly, It either sounds good on my studio monitors, my Hi-Fi or my phone (I'm trying to optimise the mix for mobile devices), or it sounds distorted. I've been mixing it for three hours and I tell you what I'll put out a beta version now and you guys give me some feedback.  

Posted by maxxpump - April 12th, 2017

First of all an apology to those who I offended this morning with my release of a song called "Hate". The song was inspired by two songs by Gary Numan, one being "I am Dust" and the other is "Love Hurt Bleed" which both are off his newest album called "Songs from a Splintered mind (or Splinter for short)", I will say I don't know to much in the field and I gave it a rough shot which went turds up! So I'm sorry to the few that messaged me to show their disapproval and obvious disgust, but I love Numan's works and do aspire to his choices of music, so expect some dark Electronica/Industrial to come out of this channel in the coming week as I have a dabble in this witch craft.

I released an interesting Trance song this morning/late last night (depending were you are), which uses sidechaining and compression effects and some experimental and dancable patterns and while being experiemental, its a start to a sound which I am slowly developing for myself. I called it DNA VI, so gis a listen and tell me what you think and if it worth devloping the overall sound further. 

I'm hard at work on so many projects at the moment so the release of different tracks will be a bit all over the place in regards to the release of DNA titles and hopefully will get around to finishing to write DNA III over the coming weekend. I have quite a few older tracks on the Newgrounds musical clipboard so may release some of them in the coming week also. 

I'm also working on a classical sounding Electronica Italio Disco tune which should be out by this weekend, its taking a while as I'm taking inspiration from Giogio Moroder's "The Chase" and the main song from "metropolis". It's already sounding quite good, and been rewritten a few times, to reflect my on going musical research which I've been putting towards the overall technique of this new song. As Moroder says on Daft Punks song, I'm looking for a sound of the 70', the 80's and a sound of the future, I have the rest but making something which is futuristic is being quite difficult.

I doubt very much that I will get anywhere near the production tecniques which Moroder uses, but I'm giving a crack at it. Even though when he made The Chase, he had about twenty years of god like experience under his belt and all while fiddling around with purely analgue equipment, I'm kind of stuffed from day one, but I am slowly learning this craft even though its an absolute pain in the ass fiddling digitally on the computer (you know its hard to explain it, but Its much easier to train using analgue equipment as well as being a hands on experience). But just to say I'm doing alot of research concurrently into techniques used by Moroder and others which worked for Casablanca records at that time. More to come, when I get back from the Shops as my GF wants sausages, dam...    

Posted by maxxpump - April 10th, 2017

So for DNA three through to fives creation I've been using inspiration from the one and only Jean Michel Jarre. DNA IV I've published tonight on Newgrounds, which uses some arpeggios I've learned from listening to the master of synthesis, but at the same time I've pushed the envelope, and created something dynamic and truly stunning. It's using 1/128th position quantize at 126 BPM, which I've been playing around with most of the day while learning how Roland D-beam affects MIDI information. This has made for purely synthesizer based sounds which would be physically impossible to play. But I did slow down the count for some parts and played in on keyboard and sped up afterwards. I'm going to France in July this year to see Jean Michel Jarre, which I can't wait to see.

I have a chance at a work related VIP ticket and If I get it (knowing my luck I won't), I can meet the legend before the concert. which would be a honor, but i'm not getting my hopes up quite yet. 

Posted by maxxpump - April 7th, 2017

DNA-II is now up on newgrounds, much better in my general opinion than the last track, but this is really upto the masses what you want really. 

DNA as a album has now got some structure and a slight variation plus a story through time of EDM works. I've got some work at three studios in london which includes some recording works done at EMI studios, which a friend which is an engineer there has allocated some time for free in one of the big reverberation chambers. Which is pretty cool, the other two are Downs Studio, and Britannia Studios (the last I'm still waiting and this will be the main studio for recording RNA if we can get a space) apprently pink floyd recorded there for parts of the wall, which is really cool and they still have Helios/vintage Neve equipment there. But it ain't cheap and the chap that might get us a space for four, five hour recording sessions and mixing time, may have to pull funds from a funding bady which means a percentage of the profits would have to go back to them. But if we didn't have this guy, it would mean no studio as their rates currently are astronomical. 

I've also today ordered a custom made woodern Akai MPC 4000 which may take a while before I get it, in same auction I got a EMS Vocoder, which I didn't initially know about....aparently Daft Punk used one of these vocoders on both Discovery and Random Access Memories, which sounds cool, but is not going to work outside of the box as it has a power supply issue and was thrown in for free. 

I also currently have a chance to get a many year old SoundTracs Desk which is a 24 channel mixing console, they want £600 for it I may get it if they can get down to nearer £400, reason being I don't have space in my current studio for such a monster and if I buy it, it will just go into storage untilI can rent or buy a larger studio space. 


The format now of DNA will be two parts, 12 tracks each and with all EDM, Electronica and other electronic experimental works.

Posted by maxxpump - April 6th, 2017

So I've embarked on making two new albums ones called RNA-15 and the other is DNA-24 the later I'm here to talk about now. So far I've made five promising tracks which rely on things I've learned from others including some real stars. Its called DNA as I want to make an album which bonds human feeling with full electronica and EDM styles of music. Its got a 24 on the end, as there is going to be 24 tracks which I've decided will all sound equal, contain as much soul as I can afford, and make a few bangers while I'm at it, This in end will be a free album with some of the best tracks which will go on the RNA album as well as many live pieces I have planned in the comming months. DNA-24 will be a completely free album and project files may at some point be made public as open source material.

I will be launching them all within a time frame of now to about three months time. Mainly as I'm going to France for a bit to see Jean Michel Jarre play live and after that experience I will get back fresh and write RNA-15 and see were to go from there as I'm kind of hedging my bets on a good solid release of RNA-15 and hopefully get a few sales if im lucky. (as I have seven albums for sale at the moment on Amazon and i'm only getting if im lucky a handful of sales a month, but I guess thats how it goes seeing as I haven't done a massive ad campign, which on the other hand I'm willing to do something with RNA, DNA as a free CD and sell it on tour during September and October.) 

I'll do some research through my newgrounds cataolgue and see whats popular and build on that success and make something worthwhile and something that might be received well even if its completly free!

Anyway I will keep a couple of day update on this thread and just check back and see how im getting on with this new album. 

Posted by maxxpump - March 30th, 2017

So to start I will tell you what I've been doing at work at the studios which I work for. This task I've been given, which is doing HD sampling which I've been doing on my Akai S6000 and also using a mixture of a Tascam multitrack recorder and Kontakt 5 (which to be honest I like working with my S6000 as it's much more stable and is generally a good bit of kit).  But our current client wants a lot of these samples to be for Kontakt. But anyway enough of my bitching, I tell you what kit is on the pan for this month, which is a ARP 2600 which has been rebuilt from scratch, from original blueprints and diagrams, it has a very signature sound and this version is apparently more reliable than its original as they had a tendency to go out of tune over a duration of time. An HD patch is as follows, it has full velocity range and has at least 49 keys and above range (I'm doing 61 as the patches are worth more, will make our client more pleased and I can use the full range on my controller keyboard). So this is 61 different samples times 127 samples for each level of velocity. This is just over 8100 samples (between 1 and 3 seconds long and you've then got the current task I am doing, I've spent three weeks doing this and made 4 pátches, which ain't bad going (this also includes programming and error checking). 

So even though I've got a historic synth I'm limited to how I can use it as work looms and I've still got to make 2 more patches and I've got a week and a bit left. I have released a three day piece called "Andromeda" today which uses one of the lead sounds which I've been working on. It's a pretty cool Trance and Dance tune and I hope you guys love it as it was a pain in the royal bum to mix down. I've got a few tunes in the pipeline, but they will be as and when so do keep checking back. 

In other news, I've been making remixes for a facebook group called "The Pad Bank" this group is for people who own drum samplers like the Akai MPC's and NI Maschine's, we've on our twelfth week now of remixes, I personally haven't won yet, but am making and learning my MPC. Can't release any of the remixes on here for personal reasons as well as Newgrounds policies, but if you go along and look for Stuart you can find my remixes, or alternatively go to my Soundcloud account and the tracks are marked as such. 

Still getting on with fresh material for my new album, which is slowy going to be released in a couple of months time. 

The fiasco of the original tunes, copyright and stuff with that group/band  is on going and with the help of my work place and backing with old friends which I went to college with at the time, we will probably be taking him to court as I've now been notified that he is using my material as well as getting paid at gigs for his "original" Talent...but will see how that goes.

as I got onto the BBC last year for their introducing program they have they have now said to me they A.) Backed the fact of what this guy said, and B.) they have sent me a posted apology as well as an email, basically stating they are sorry but can't do anything about it as he wasn't on a script and he didn't sign a waiver or anything to the content of his interview even though the liaison said they would look into it. Thanks to all who sent me messages and yes I will be carrying here doing tunes for Newgrounds, I'm hurt yes, but will find away. 

Posted by maxxpump - March 24th, 2017

Hello, this is me and im saying hi even though I'm not wanting to say so as a old friend of mine has sharted in my face so badly musically I don't want to produce music anymore... 

This friend went on radio 1 (BBC Music Radio One) and said that he, Ed ****** (name obmitted), said my band was based on plagorism, and went as far as to say I was a complete joke...even though I have given you every thing on Newgrounds as original and as original as intended by my group. I've never plagiarised any band, even though as I've pulled alot of influences from other groups in my time. I guess I feel honoured that he said this but I am gutted at the same time. If I continue as of which I don't know as this is a major blow to my ideology and I may just cease operations as a band or solo artist as I don't really think anyone gives a dam. 


Stuart (ExeDist 2017) 

Posted by maxxpump - March 15th, 2017

I've now got my Yamaha Tyros One out of storage, It has 10 Mega Voices (samples which use velicity mapping as a type of storage per note, instead of just keymapping, used mainly for programing and sounds very authentic, the Tyros One only has guitars and basses). It has Live voices which are General MIDI 2 AWM sounds, it then has Sweet! and Cool! sounds which are MIDI 1 AWM sounds.

It has a HDD, with 16 track MIDI recorder, it has full sound manipulation via the PC, and has seven blocks of DSP which can be used on different channels, with full manipulation of the EFX DSP presets. I has very good DX-7 emulation, as well as CS-80 and other Yamaha electric pianos. I purchased it as a synthesiser and even though its limited compared to a Yamaha Motif, this thing is built like a tank, and I purchased it in 2003, made in 2001 and is still going strong today, minus the built in vocal harmony and autotune function. 

I mainly got it out as I made a lot of styles for playing live and thought it might help me as a arrangement aid, and I have been making Sequenced copies of older work, throwing it into cubase then using the Tyros as a Sound module of sorts. I'm just about getting my head around the Mega Voices. 

Its an older keyboard has its quirks and a bit of a odd ball keyboard, which isn't like the amazing Tyros 5 of today which has super articulation, sampling of it own or onboard tweaking of synthesis, or its not like the synths of the 80's which people mop up on eBay these days, for rediculous prices. 

Posted by maxxpump - March 7th, 2017

So I did it, I took a dive and spent nearly $200 on a new microphone, which in the end wasn't the SE Electronics X1, mainly as there was a three week lead time on the kit and the Rode's NT1A had much better reviews. I still will be buying a SE electronics "Baby" Reflextions filter and may still buy a X1T in the future as its the X1 capsule and a ECC83 Valve mic. Will be launching some test files in the next few days trying some different instruments and techniques and ultimately see if it fits the bill! 

Posted by maxxpump - March 5th, 2017

The Dystpian project, Green enegy and dark future if it does in deed goes titty boom boom.

So as some of you know I have a near constant project on called "Dystopia", which is also a album which maybe released by me in May. I've already released the following tracks, Dystopian Peace, Dystopiian Rock, Dystopian overture and the bigger of last year which was Dystopian Dreams, theres also filler tracks like Wars end and Optic state, which kind of were released under the radar as to speak. Theres still about eight tracks to score and then I should be ready, but at this date this has now been a three and a half year project and I and many people that have listened to it agree its excellent work (only the best as I'm not someone to release the proverbial turd, like some commecial artists, won't point any names...). Tonight I released another version of Green energy which I pared this time with a book scripture which I was involved in, and with full permission from using some scripts from Sidney Mercers broadway production of "energy and how we abuse it" I've made a narrated draft which I will be re-recording next weekend when I have access to Lomans studio and team, as well as arranging to get a string section in to do some ochestral works. I will also have access to ribbon microphones so my vocals should come out pretty pucker! 

I have bookings now for borrowing old synths in the next three months, so while recording my parts for Dystopia, I will make a continuation to the Nearly Vintage series of works and will be duely releasing those works on Newgrounds as well as my Youtube channel (which will include live video works of me playing). In the pile I have a ARP 2600, Roland System 100 synth and vocoder, Roland SH-101, JB800, Yamaha CS80 and Mini Moog synthesiser, theres also a chance that I may be able to borrow for a few days a EMS synth as well as a Bushla synth (just not sure on the last two as they really rare and the guy is a right clean freak, my studio is clean but apprently still not to his standard...)

I also have a vocalist in for bookings, im just not sure if I can release their projects as there will be one track exclusively for the album and a track which I'm making for his group, so we will see if we have time for a bit of a jam maybe and get something down for Newgrounds! 

Other news I've ordered my SE Electronics X1 and reflections sheild from Thomann which is a german company and last time I ordered from them (a case for my Yamaha Tyros), it took about two weeks to come, but I saved about £20 which is really good and they throw in a free stand as well. I just remembered that I need a pair of headphones, due to feedback as I now used to using a badly engineered condensor (I'll call it a phantom powered dynamic and barely that!), I don't use headphones while monitoring my vocals which I guess is really bad practice, but new mic which will need me to even use headphones while recording while my parner monitors on headphones next door due to sensitivity of this microphone. So I have to maybe wait another week or so to use said microphone while I save up some dosh for a new set as my decade old beyers died on me (possibly a dodgy connection, but as they are so old you never know...) 

Anyway I'll keep everyone updated to new projects as they come out of the woodwork down at mine, Fireballs and Lomans studios.