I am a musician from the south of the UK, I like making music and playing with my synths. I've made game music and electronic music professionally in the past. I aim to keep on designing delightful and complex music for many years to come.

Age 4, Male

wood turner

Angmering high school

Brighton, UK

Joined on 10/26/15

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maxxpump's News

Posted by maxxpump - March 3rd, 2017

So for my next trick I want to remake a song which I composed during a dark winter of 2007 (or around then I can't quite remember), I tell you I don't quite know what I was smoking that night but I came up with a tune which was at the time to me so convoluted that I've been kind of scared to do a reboot of it. The song in question or I should really say a project, is the Evil Ed project. Which I posted up last year and it seemed like it got a good reaction as it stayed up on the song of the month board, before some blatant troll zero bombed it to oblivion. Last time I looked it had nearly a thousand views and several hundred downloads (which is really good going for one of my submissions on Newgrounds). I'm not going to rush this by any stretch and you might not even see a preview for the next few weeks, but I will try to update you to the progress made on this complicated project which I'm going to make even more convoluted than before...I'm going to add in new things I've learned in Sequencing, Live playing, Vocal handiwork (in a limited quantity not to scare anyone off), I'm going to record my keyboards and accordion and really get a properly dark mood going with this, I want to make it sound as good as last time around, somewhat better, but give it a flair which might even turn it into a proper neo/classical and electronica track. You can probably tell I don't have a specific direction for this new piece, but this is the fun or being an artist and hope this become a flagship song of my channel (at least for a few months at least, I'll see what happens). 

I've spent the last week hunting through projects which I've sequenced and now am learning to play properly on keyboard so expect some more live sounding productions to come out of this channel, as I'm now using this new MIDI keyboard more and more. I found there is a ton of cool sounding projects in the achive, which are just in small file formats which may be made into full projects at a later date and also a return and remake of some of the projects from my old Sequel project files, namely those from 2006-2009. 

As you probably work out now I'm predominantly piano roll sequencing kind of guy, had limited access to controllers in the past, I can play keyboard and play up to grade 6 classical training level, but choose not to play that often because of a cycling accident just over a decade ago saw that I shattered both wrists and playing piano for me now is an ordeal, pain, but I still go on and try not to whinge to much.

I made a bunch of projects called Beat (which is a early filing system which I adopted and those songs now don't have proper names), I will try and post some examples in the next week, gauge peoples reactions and may make subsequent remakes, if they go down well, but do expect the format to be Exe.Dist- Beat #. namely I will try to post Beat 22 and Beat 5. (this is more of a note to myself). 

Only other note is I have a new microphone coming next week, hopefully I can afford to buy the reflections filter, pop shield, as well as possibly being a valve microphone, but it may not depending on research, and the fact that I'm only spending about £100 on the microphone. I think I'm going to try to go with a SE electronics branded one, but I'm open to suggestions; I have naturally a deep voice so I believe going for a wide or large diaphragm condenser microphone is the way to go. I'm replacing my cheaper £40 ish mic which is a presonus mic which get this if you turn the gain up all the way and do foldback on the desk or in cubase there is no feedback which is usual for a dynamic microphone, not a phantom  powered condenser. I'll keep the Presonus M7 as its good as an accordion mic, but will testing the suitability when I get the new microphone, as other wise its just liable to go in the bin. 

I've finished redesigning Beat 32, so that will be up shortly. 

Posted by maxxpump - January 25th, 2017

Yes you heard me correctly, I sent in music to apple and they not only put my music up onto iTunes, they also featured my album, which was comprised of my songs "Love is lost", "Relationship Issues", "My Downfall" and "Seek reason (Freedom)". I also susquently got my music onto Spotify as well through a deal with CDBaby (which didn't cost me anything because the open popularity of the music). So now you can listen to my whole back catlogue on Spotify, Deezer music and Google play. 

Also I've been doing collaboration work with a few vocalists and made some new material my favourite being "The Stars Collide" http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/724074
Also "fighting the Limelight" was pretty cool http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/723615

I've got a new single out and a new one due to come out in a few days with a new Dance tune on it.

Posted by maxxpump - January 8th, 2017

News update! 

So tonight I will be launching a new dance tune called "to true". I'm working on a new tune for my dystopian series and I've started a new Blog which you can find here! this contains all new news coming from my band (Exe.Dist) and links to sample packs which I will be releasing in March; which will be made up of my personal collection of samples which use on my songs which I've released so far on Newgrounds.

Here is the Website address for the Blog: https://exedist.blogspot.co.uk/

I hope everyone is having a great weekend and I should be posting this new song tonight, watch this space!   

New albums now out on CDbaby.com and Bandcamp. Dystopia my new album due out in two weeks time information to follow. 

Posted by maxxpump - January 4th, 2017

Yesterday after releasing a bunch of dance oriented tunes, I had a email; which follows: Dear Max, if you would be so kind as to reveal the package details of the sample packs which you used on your new song vapour, and what gives you the right to use these samples in a production grade piece. yours (name omitted).

Basically on most of my songs where I use samples I will say if any package was used, where the samples came from and/or how I obtained my samples. 

95% of the time I hear a sample on the TV, Radio or movie, i sample it and then run it into cubase. I then try to recreate the sample by synthesis or going out to other studios, music shops, on the street, etc... with my Tascam DR-22, when I get home I either run the new sample into my Yamaha A3K or either the Akai S4K or the Akai S6K. Once its in the sampler I chop it up, add effects to it and usually key map it. Then I record back to cubase, compare then store the sample for later use. 

So as I said before I don't usually use "packages", anyway not on newgrounds without openly admitting the sample is not mine (that's where the other 5% comes from). 

By recreating the samples from scratch it gives me artistic licence to do what ever I want with it and that is my right! 

Posted by maxxpump - January 3rd, 2017

So someone gave me a Akai S6000 to replace my aging S4000 unit, it was given to me after someone local saw one of my new tunes on youtube, which is excellent. I have spent the moring installing a HHD in the unit then loading it up with samples, some new from a studio visit last week, which I got a load of male vocal samples which I will and have been using on some of my new dance tunes; an example o this sis my new song "vapour" which I used a local "shot" which really brought out the song and made it whole. I believe the song has a anthem vibe about it and I think it should go down well as it much cleaner than most of my other tracks I've released in the genre, even though I haven't changed DAW or other software. 

I located a demo of Sylenth which Avicii uses in his tracks, so will be adding new sounds to my tracks by using this new synth mainly by sampling it as the limitations of the demo mean it has a audio reminder which plays randomly throughout the song to prevent any recordings, which is annoying to say the least, but until I purchase the full version i'm kind of stuck with this, 

I have ne sound packs for Vanguard, Nexus and Serum, so I will be updating my overall soundset in the coming weeks. I want to produce more DnB, Dance and may try a bit of Techno to see what I can do in that genre. Hopefully I can develop a sound and hone my original sound that I've been working on, but I expect that to take a while to achieve. 

Newgrounds is an amazing platform and hope people which are making videos and games take advantage with what I have to offer as its now rare that I make a no usable track "this track can't be used by anyone" 

I will be making more drum and bass, namely staring my partner Jane, who has been slowly learning keyboard from me over the years and is ready to have a crack at composing, she made a tune a few years ago which was a dance tune using a Japanese Vocal which turned out really well, but this was using chord samples and was was kind of cheating in a way.

I have taught her to use Cubase so we can both work in the same environment, as before she only had used ableton live a handful of times and I haven't ever used that DAW, I guess I should as it would be an excellent platform to play gigs with (unless I an get a old version on Nuendo working as that's very good at live applications and I'm familiar with the structure of Nuendo as Cubase is pretty much the same program. But steinberg dropped Nuendo in favour of a more complete version of Cubase, I believe Nuendo is good for live apps as its more stable, but Cubase is still, even at this point liable to crashing. My version for example has crashed three times today, all with different errors, which I won't bore you with!

I made a DnB song today called "Kick the Licker" (resident evil reference there), which I made using my MPC in conjunction with my Yamaha A3000 sampler and used the MPC to fire off all the drum samples. It was a pain in the bum to setup and wasn't the most stable thing in the world, but the resulting song was well good and if you get the chance have a listen and tell me what you think. 

That gets me to the next thing and thats lack of comments, I know people's lives are hectic, but when you have a video/song with 300 views and no comments it makes you wonder if the tune is good, same goes for the rating system. I guess there is no incentive for people to score songs as there's no reward system in place like if you vote on a video or game, which I think is a little bit unfair, there's got to be a reason why, personally I'm not sure why, but there must be reason surely?

I will still continue to post on Newgrounds as its ow my platform of choice and I seem to get more views on here than on Youtube and Soundcloud :( 
Youtube as a channel I've only started to post too again I have a few songs which are out with samples of video games and Cinematics/TV which I know is not allowed on Newgrounds, and I don't like to get blammed, for a silly mistake, so unfortunately don't have as much free will to be creative on this platform, but im still making good original music anyhoo but wish there was more leeway to be more creative within these realms. that's my rant over.

There maybe one more tune out tonight, but I'll have to see what I can cook up. I may not so don't sit on your hands.       

Posted by maxxpump - December 30th, 2016

So I've finished loading up my brand spanking new MPC Studio Black, which I got for chrimbo with drum and vocal samples. I released two test pieces yesterday which got the attention of a few people who congratulated me on my use of sampling, but scolded me for releasing something on Newgrounds, which can't be used by anybody due to the loops I used. 

So I've set out to right that wrong by releasing a new piece called "Dance With Me", which I've used my own drum and vocal samples.  

I have a newyear mix to come out in a day or so so watch out for that...

Posted by maxxpump - December 22nd, 2016

I'm currently working on a whole bunch of live material for new years eve parties which I am attending, If I get a slot is another matter all together, but I'm working on it slowly but surely. I have a load of gigs lined up for me for next year though, so I call next year the year "I make a name for myself!", hopefully my music goes down well and get to return to sites for gigs, otherwise ill keep adapting to suit venues needs. 

I have a MPC coming for christmas, I borrowed one a few weeks ago and loved it, so expect more heavily sampled masterpieces coming out of me next year. I have Christmas on my side sorted out, just hoping my family is set... 

I will be releasing my newyears mix for live use on newyears day! expect a twenty to thirty minute piece with completly new material, to come out on that day, but hopefully its liked as its been a few weeks in the making!

I hope everyone has a fabulous Christmas and a Happy Newyear and hopefully a cracking 2017!

2016 for me has been turd and hope next year is better!

Lots of new projects to look forward to coming out of me in the next year and beyond!

Including guest spots and colllaborations! from both local and international artists and remember im always open to collabs and suddestions from local or abroad! so get your comments in for how you want this channel to go...

 Your Stuart! (Transqaunta and Exedist) 

Posted by maxxpump - November 3rd, 2016

So the other week I made a song called "No Sleep" which ended up being the last song I could produce on Cubase 5 as it decided to corrupt itself! Instead of reinstalling it, I installed Cubase 8.5 (Which I haven't particually got on with in the past), a handful of VST's and am in the process of relearning to use the software. It nearly the same, but there are some new features which have upset my creative work flow and adapting to this new softwrae is taking longer than I intiially expected.

I do have a few dance (EDM) pieces in the pipe line, as well as a ew New wave pieces. But may take me a while before I release anything. Im also having an issue with the exporting feature built into the new edition of Cubase, as you only get around twenty exports beore you have to pay for a license to export to MP3 which personally I think it is stupid.   

Im also having problems with my older VSTs like Hydra, Pentagon and Vanguard as it seems they are not compatible with the VST bridge and VST control built into Cubase. So thats a bummer, I've found updates for newer VST's like Serum, Nexus and Sylenth, but haven't at this point had the last two installed as im not sure were I put the disks.

I'm installing Wavelab tonight on my new windows partition and Lame MP3 converter, so hopefully will be able to get a tune up by someotime tomorrow. Probably a HalionSonic SE test song, with some usage of Nexus. 

I've in the meantime done a research project on Giorgio Moroder and Vangelis, to try and hone my electronic styled 80's music as well a disco styles. The project I have running at the moment, is a New Wave disco hybrid tune and I think it sounds quite good even though im only using HalionSonic SE (which is a very basic softsynth and not a very good one either). 

I'm also having problems with my newly insgtalled Kontakt which I will have to rectify before I can make any more classical, orchestral or singer song writer pieces. Which is a bummer as it my main sample based VST and I need it to play back my extensive directory of samples for added darkness and SFX to my songs. 

I'm also working on some progressive rock pieces, so I do have a few projects on at th moment, I will try to release someting tomorrow, but I just don't know when... 


Posted by maxxpump - October 6th, 2016

So as the title sudgests Im playing around with a lot more Dubstep type tracks today. Fireballs made a huge remix of my Dubstep and D&B tracks, that im not 100% sure when he's goign to release it...????

I'v just finsihed looking through nearly four EDM sample packs incuding Trance, D&B and Dubstep, interesting stuff in there and may spark a load more heavier EDM tracks in the next week at least, I've got the mamoth task of uploading most of the loops to my sampler, so thats going to take up most of the day on tomorrow, but it has to be done. I just ordered a dance EFX package as well, hopeflly will be with me in the next few days. 

I've also released a load of New Wave tracks which I made this morning and no that doesn't maean more vocals, but may spark a more upto date Newage/New Wave track....I'll see what happens. I made a trance track that kind of reminds me of Darude's track called "sandstorm", which was one of my favourite tracks of trance/dance back in the 90's, I'm not sure when thats going to be released either as I've got a backlog of about twenty tracks, I want to put up and with a limit of four tracks a day its going to take a while to shift them...

I'm currently trying to get Sylenth to work as it seems very unstable on my computer for some reason and if not I have wasted quite a bit of money, as you can't return software! I would like to get it to work as Avicii uses it to great effect and the sound sets are pretty awesome! I've got a package of extra patches coming for serum as well which again will boost my collection of Trance/Dance sounds, which I've got. I also currently need a new harddisk as I'm running out of space as these sample directories take up a massive amount of space and I don't like deleting stuff!

There is also a few mashups in the works at the moment which will be released as unreleased works an hopefully go down well!

Currently trying to hunt down a 8 bit VST synth which is good, so I can start doing more Chiptunes, retro game music and stuff like that. If you have a recommendation give us a shout as I'm a bit lost to be honest.

P.S: Fireball01e said he couldn't get on newgrounds for the next few days so I released his master Dubstep mix and here it is: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/706966?updated=1475770236

I've got a new Dubstep tune which should be out tomorrow called "Failure to Communicate"  which is a hard EDM, Dubstep track, with my vocals, which came out really well...I hope it goes down well as it was a really techinal piece to get right and I think it sounds really good!  

I released another Dubstep track that peope seem to really like called "Green Energy" which is here: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/706940

Also a trance track: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/706875

and a new New Wave/ New Age track called "The Runner", which is't my best New Wave track but ti comes pretty close: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/706937

I've got also a bass heavy track to release tomorrow called "Bass Drops", did really well on YouTube and soundcloud, hopefully I get a good reaction on here as well. Its D&B but its not D&B at the same time! I call it Bassstep, which is one of my fusion genres, and it soudns amazig on my cars subwoofer system. It also verges on EDM styles, its a puely instrumental track and Davis seemed to really like the track, as well as a few othe producer friends of mine. Its A class remix material.

I hope everyones having a nice day and this message finds you well! 

P.S.S: Davis jus uploaded "Failure to Communicate" as he did do a load of work on it: here it is I hope you enjoy! http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/706969

Posted by maxxpump - October 5th, 2016

So I've got another three songs kto release with my crap vocals on it! Two songs about drugs (I was a social worker as part time job last year and a few of the service users were heroin or cocaine users, and we wrote some lyrics together, I also knew a guys dad that was a smack addict which ultimately killed him). I know the standard of my vocals isn't good but as I haven't found a vocalist as of yet, my hand was forced to get these mainly Singer Songwriter pieces out in the open so I could get on with other prrojects! 

I've got a fewdubstep, trance an dance pieces in the pipe work which shoould be up for release in the next few days, if you guys have seen, I released a new Dubstep piece earlier today using new drum samples which I purchased. Hopefully you like the result as I think it sounds really good and has a pretty catchy tune to go with it! I'm also makign a hihly techinal classical tune which is a Fusion styled song of classical, rock, EDM and Dubstep, it sounds cool and maybe up at the end of the week, I just will see if I have time to finish this piece. Its based on my Evil Ed song so it should be quie good. I'm also mamkin a piece whci is a remake of something  released on here of Fireballs earlier in the year, called the Vortex, using samples from another song which I have never released and it sounds really good also.

As I said above I recently purchased three packages of sampled drums, EFX and loops, which are Drum and Bass, Dubstep and Trance, so hopefully will be some better tunes and some more ideas to come in the coming weeks and months... 

Hopefully my newer songs with vocals haven't make anyones ears fall off as of yet and as I see I got some decent reaction/score out of my legacy/origin files whcich I posted. Talkin about origin files, I have two more to go up, one called "The game of Life" which is a pop song and another called "Green Energy", the files have there fair share of issues though as "Green Energies" drums are not brilliant over techinal and way over the top (OTT), "Game of life" has some questionable vocals on it, again as its one of my first vocal recordings which I did! 

I see I got a good reaction out of "My Girl MX1" and some one PM'ed me saying that they liked my vocals and for some reason they told me not to put my vocals down, but they obviously were shy or something a they could have left a public comment, but any who it doesn't really matter.

I wish people left more comments my songs as I'm really starting to operate blind and this is no good thing and would really like this to change (I've only had oe comment this week and it was a really nasty expicit comment, which wern't cool, but at least it was constructive, but they litrally told me to get the f**k off newgrounds and die somewhere away from eveyrone else, which was really nice of them! The also said my music was not techical enough for them and my mix of genres sounded like it was done by a monkey or wee baby... I wish I could have told them to go F** themselves but im not that tyope of person and instead ade that new drm and bass tune which went down really well on the portal. So I've made a new motto and that is "If you don't like it, someone else probably will!" 

Thankyou to everyone who has left nice comments and PM's in the last few weeks, and  a giant F you to that wee baby monkey from yesterday, believe me I won't be forgetting that comment in a hurry! No siree...

Hopefully this post find eveyone well and keep rocking on...or what ever you do!?:)

I've noticed that everywere else on newgrounds, where you can post allows me to use my spell checker, but if you post on this messaging system it doesn't allow it, why???

P.S fireball01e just released "The Drugs Don't Work Anymore" and he may release the other origin file as well as I have some other things I want to post up tonight and need the quota!