I am a musician from the south of the UK, I like making music and playing with my synths. I've made game music and electronic music professionally in the past. I aim to keep on designing delightful and complex music for many years to come.

Age 4, Male

wood turner

Angmering high school

Brighton, UK

Joined on 10/26/15

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maxxpump's News

Posted by maxxpump - October 4th, 2016

So fianally I've found the first ever recording of "My Girl" including my not as bad vocals, I wish it could be raw, but it this version was was made in 2006! This was made completely on non existant studio equipment, a cheap dynamic mic and my Yamaha Tyros keyboard and workstation. I believe it was bounced down to four track tape as this is what I had back then and I've had to do alot of audio clean up to get it in any decent condtion, I've also found MX2, but It's going to take quite a bit of work to bring it up to scratch, as I only have one recording and its cliping. Both tracks were made before I attended collage so it doesn't quite have the extra techical knowhow, but they are still in my eyes really good tracks. MX2 as I didn't quite realise is a massive mashup mix of a couple of diiferent songs and also there is a second version of MX2 which is a remake of my girl Origin, which I probably won't put up, but I'll see what happens as its still early days (I shrug). 

So I released a drum and bass track earlier and got one of my first nasty messages which I've ever had on newgounds, which is a bit of a bummer, but instead of kicking up a shat storm, I made and even better Drum and Bass subsequently breaking my last four day cycle of writers block and kind of giving me a bit of direction. So i guess something good came of it, but im still slightly livid as I think it was slightly uncalled for. Anyway...

I've also been maing a few collaboration tracks with Fireball01e and he released soem of my vocal stuff today (which sends a shiver down my spine!), the class of vocals has improved slightly and we redid Freedom, which is my new wave song from a few months ago ("That 80's Sound"), Its a really good track and if I had actually found a decent vocalist I may have made it better, but im not crying over spilled milk and really wante to put the track behind me (It is one of my favourite tracks from this year...but I've got tomuch shat to do!) 

I've been contacted by another person wanting my work for there android game which is cool and I've had two people contact me over drop in music for their youtube videos which again is welcome. 

I may make a bit more high powered D&B, but ultimately I've decided to stay true and make more trance tracks. I may work a bit more dubsep in there but im not infused by the pospect...af the moment anyway. I'll see what happens when I actually attack the new drums [package I purchased (but I've just started recompiling a new dance trance, drums and effects package, this may take a while before Im ready to attack that dub package, but I promise I'll have a look at the weekend!)

P.S MX1 is now up, I hope no ones ears fall off as its probably not my best playing, probably not my best singing, but its one of my first recordings I ever did and with such basic equipment, im suprised even now that I was able to pull it off. I also no-one litrilally dies as I am just so embarised to release it as I personally think it should have been swept under the carpet and never reviced, but people have hounded me to release the track as soon as I revealed it excistance, what could I do... 

P.S.S, Ive decided not to release MX2 for a while a its justa bad recording and if anything I may have to do a full re-record of it as its that bad! I don't think I will subject anyone to it...

Posted by maxxpump - October 4th, 2016

At the moment I'm going through a period of dammed writers block, and can't for the life of me get anything out of the sandbox to show to you guys (usually I spend these times just playing around, but no...im bored). So I am hunting through (or should say slogging through) my computers old data dump looking at older projects which I haven't released yet on Newgrounds, adding to them and remixing them and bringing them up to scratch, with new VST's I've aquired in the time since I created them. There is lots of trance in there, as well as all manner of EDM pieces, there maybe the occasional drum and bass piece but we'll have to see as I haven't got a clue whats in the filing system. 

I'm working on all manner of remixes, using old samples and doing a lot of chopping up and resampling, I've made a few new dubstep style sounds in Massive, which may take a few weeks to get into a state were I can release it as a song. I have done extensive research into dubstep and also purchased a dubstep drum package, but I will say there are very few dubstep songs which I actually like and as I'm more of a trance nut, I will be doing EDM/dubstep or Drum and bass/Dubstep, but nothing like Skrillex as most of his productions I just don't like (apart from Bangarang as that track sounds awesome in my car on the subwoofer), I guess Billy Van was cool and most of his newer mashups are insirational, but again alot of the dubstep hes produced is not to my liking. 

I'm a 90's kid and I grew up with the likes of William Orbit, Tiesto, Jurgen Vries and Kernkraft, I do still listen to newer music, but alot of my music tastes as time has gone on has actually taken a step back, and find myself listening to alot more 80's style music (even though im not to good a producing it myself, apart from the occasional accident).

I find alot of music these days i getting rather samey and the garbage that comes out the radio is at most intolerable, sorry if I sound like I've got my head stuck under a rock, but I just don't like the majority of commecial music. 

When I actually come up with new material I feel like hitting a curve ball and going of in another direction musically, and its mainly as im getting bored of some of some of the lame material I've been producing in the last month. I may go out and buy myself a new synth (VST) and see if that can revive my passion, before the light completely goes out. 

Also I've had a lot of call recently to sound like other bands or groups, and this is one of my pet hates, I like to sound original, keep on developing my own style and be something new, I hate recreating songs and plagerising, but I do agree it can sometimes be helpful to recreate music to learn, i.e: I recreated Cannon the other day, I found it boring as hell to program it, but I probably learned soemthing along the way, but I can't quite put my finger on it...I was also trying to recreate one of newgrounds top tracks "heaven", got about half through and decided that I got bored, wasn't really learning anything new and even if I finished it what would I have done with it as I probably A.) would'nt get permission to release it on newgrounds B.)feel that the song I've created can't best the original (as to be honest its a pretty complex piece of music and even though I got the flow right, there was something missing, which kind of brings me to my next point.

Everytime I create a track it usually takes me a remix or to add what I beleive to be missing from the orginal track, but thats open to interperation what this means, as I don't want to go over board and add so much that it scares people off, I figure most award winning tracks have upmost of four tracks? My projects usually have a minium of ten tracks and more, and apart from hearing Jean michel Jarre play something this complex, you wouldn't hear these more complex tracks in the public domain. I like my music to be complex, maybe I should back off a bit compact my songs slightly and concentrate more on the hooks and beats, and stop putting complicated arpeggios into my tracks? I don't know again I think its up to the listeners taste of music and I should continue making niche music for the time being.

Oh yeah my Youtube channel kind of died a slow painful death and not even moths will visit it...I seem to be getting a bit of a so-so reaction from sound cloud, but am getting a alright reaction from newgrounds, so I will stay on this platform and continue my quest to find a sound or beat and then produce something which Is originally great and get a good reaction out of it. (which in this day and age is nearly impossible...)  

Posted by maxxpump - September 29th, 2016

Hello to everyone who is reading this, This week I have been making alsorts of electronic music, including a remake of turn back time, Twiister the bass heavy song and The Prodigy style track. 

I have about four new barnd spankign tracks queued ready to be released. 

But I have one which should be released first, whch I wll provide a link for for exclusve access to listen before it gets released. Ths one is called "Give Us a Chance"  which is another vocode rtrack, but with double tracking many more tonal changes so it has more flow and the tune is subsequently better. Here is a link, otherwise I maybe able to put it up tonight. (as I have no quota). https://youtu.be/fwfoiMRvtRY

All piano, synth, bass and vocoder was done by me The vocoder tracking was done by Davis Loman,



Posted by maxxpump - September 23rd, 2016

I've just completed a David Bowie Ashes to Ashes Remix/Remake with David, this track is EDM with a touch of Trance. It will be submitted later today (when I've got quota). The final countdown remix number 2 is coming along nicely, and now im wondering if I should do space oddity by David Bowie as well!



Posted by maxxpump - September 22nd, 2016

So as I've jsut realised a month ago I did a remix/remake of the final countdown, I thought it was okay but im having another crack at it with Davis and see how it turns out. It has too be better than this http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/702676 

Posted by maxxpump - September 22nd, 2016

Im currently working on a few remakes/remixes of music, firstly I'm doing a dance mix of "Like a Sin" by the Pet Shop Boys which is a 80's new wave song, Im also doing a remake of the final countdown (which is going to take a long time). 

I also doing a understudy of Avicii's work and improving my dance melodies this way and cleaning my mixes up. 

But today I'm going to release a load of singer songwriter pieces to see if I can find a vocalst for them. 

I ended up doing life on mars by david bowie tonight with David (fireball) 

Posted by maxxpump - September 21st, 2016

Jst looking to do a mass collab on EDM anyone interested?

Posted by maxxpump - September 21st, 2016

I've decided to release a new album as the last one did really well! This one will be called "EDM eat your heart out!" it should be out next month and cost pittace for digital downlaod of about twnety songs, some of which have nbever been released before even on newgrounds or YT. I am including the more favourite releases from my collections on Newground as well. Theres also going to be a singer songwriter album and brit pop one which is going to be a compilation, again will be as a download. One may be free, but it depends on what type of reception I get and what interest I get. 

Last time I sold near enough a thousand copies and had loads of competions for winning special Vinyl releases and other goodies, but I wasn't on Newgrounds then, so new poeple on here will be included in celebrations =) 

Hopefully this album goes down as well as the last one and people like my unreleased gems which I've been holding back from releasing for a long time (It's been really ard not to release some of it!). If anyone as an idea of what platform I should use get intouch with me in the comments. If anyody want to do a collaboration and get a cut for the song or tracks get in contact also. Remixes of my work are welcome and you will receive full credit on the album as well as a cut out of profits! 

This will be my tenth studio album and I kind of need to do this every year to stay afloat. If you miss this one, there will be another this time next year.  I have quite a few famous newgrounders before as well as YouTubers. But there is a catch, you have to get anywork in by the end of October, to get on the new album. It is strickly EDM, Dance, Trance and soem pieces of Electronica. Im also lookig for artwork, as well as vocals as well as any general assistance. But if yo cnan ehlp that would be great, give us a PM, message, email what ever and we can work something out! 

Anway I've got about fourty tracks to fianl.ize by the end of October so have my work cut out for me. 

Also I am looking for dancey type synth samples from vinatge gear which I may be able to use!

I'm also looking for a load of B side remixes! which will be released on Youtube for the run up to the albums launch! You know wo you are get on the ball and make some interesting music and maybe we can sort something out!

Yours Maxxpump (Stuart) and ExeDist  



Posted by maxxpump - September 21st, 2016

Today I've made three heavy hitting EDM songs, which will be posted up tomorrow! 

Just added some vocal works to my singer songwriter piece and am working on avicii style piano works, for another EDM tune which I will make tomorrow. My newest EDM song peraxis is up on YouTube and will release it on newgrounds tomorrow. Im not 100% ure about  peraxis, which is a EDM tune in style of a 8bit video game.


Still looking for a female vocalist!  

Posted by maxxpump - September 21st, 2016

So my friend "the fireball" decided to do a remix of one of my favourite dance songs, "Wanabee Dance". Since I didn't like it too much I decided to do a remix myself. This is in a club Trance mix style, with about thirty layers and lots of depth. I've agreed that it will be my last remix of this partiular song as bordom has set it and im starting to hate the sound of it...

I am working on a few other dance/trance mixes which should be out tomorrow ish! Depending whats happening as life may just get in the way. A few people have complained my work is too repedative, I'll try to sort this out, but the majority of dance music is repedative, deal with it! 

Im currently looking for a female vocalist to do some singer songwriter stuff with and hopefully if it works out it will go down well!